Wautoma Area School District
Approved 03/24/1998
Revised 10/14/1999; 01/23/2006
Student activity fund accounts shall be established to handle receipts and expenditures of organizations and activities, which are an extension of school programs.
Student activities are defined as authorized clubs, class organizations and other related activities, which organize to raise money and/or promote a particular program, project or subject area. Parent groups such as a Booster or PTO are excluded from this distinction.
The district administrator is responsible for implementing policy and rules governing student activity funds; the district business manager is responsible for internal audits and appropriate accounting procedures and the building principal is responsible for daily management in accordance with established regulations.
All student activity funds shall be under the financial control of the Board of Education.
Administrative Rules:
1. Student participation is an important factor in the democratic management of money raised by the student body and expended for its benefit. Every organization shall have a student representative(s) who plan, approve and prepare the statement of purpose on file with the principal before financial activities may begin.
2. Each organization must have a faculty advisor approved by the principal.
3. All monies collected by student activities shall be deposited with the building secretary/designee. No monies are to be kept in the advisor’s classroom.
4. A pre-numbered multiple-part receipt system must be used for recording monies deposited in the school office. These receipts must be used in numerical order and voided receipts may not be destroyed. Receipt copies must go to the student organization, the school office and the district office.
5. Monies shall not be disbursed until the district office has an invoice from the vendor with a student activity account payment order, signed by the student representative, faculty advisor and principal. No check may be issued for which there are not sufficient funds on hand, unless prior approval for a clear plan of repayment is approved by the building principal.
6. Student activity funds should not be expended for employee travel, conventions, training or items that shall result in personal gain for an employee.
7. Student activity funds shall be held in interest bearing accounts whenever possible. Interest accrued shall be used to provide funds to operate the activity fund and awards programs at the school.
8. Any student activity fund account having no transactions for a period of twenty-four consecutive months shall be deleted, with remaining funds reverting to the School Board Scholarship account.